Mari Garabedian

Independent Team Beachbody® Coach



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  • Chia Seed - Superfood Superhero!

    No, we are not talking about the Chia Pet! Native to South America, the tiny chia seed (salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family) was a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. It has a mild, nut-like flavor and in Mexico they are mixed with water and a little bit of lemon or lime juice to make a drink called “Chia Fresca”.


    The highly nutritious seed comes in white and black varieties and has also been known to be used medicinally to relieve joint pain and stimulate saliva. The list of health benefits is pretty impressive and I recently started adding it to my Chocolate Shakeology which I have every day for lunch. I never realized how much I actually enjoy the seed until I ran out and had to go several days drinking my shake “plain”. It did add a very pleasant flavor and crunch. Needless to say, I now make sure that I have an ample supply at all times.


    But it’s not only good for shakes and smoothies. There are countless ways to introduce the gluten and grain-free chia seeds into your diet. Before I get into that, I will give a quick overview of why this little seed is so amazing. After all, the word “Chia” comes from the Mayan language and means strength!

  • Chia Seed - Health Benefits

    Packed with essential fatty acids (EFAs), fiber, iron, calcium, niacin, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus a single serving (1 ounce/28g) of this superfood can give your body a serious nutritional boost.


    Supports Heart Health: help reduce blood pressure; contain one of the highest known plant sources of the essential fatty acids*, omega-3 and omega-6.


    Stabilizes Blood Sugar: slow down the rate at which complex carbohydrates are digested and assimilated into the body; soluble fiber content helps stabilize blood glucose levels resulting in steady, sustained energy**.


    Energizing: a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber – it is said that 1 tablespoon of Chia can sustain a person for 24 hours.


    Anti-Inflammatory Properties: arthritis sufferers reported reduced pain and inflammation after a few weeks of taking Chia seeds; high concentration of omega-3 helps to lubricate joints and keep them supple;  Omega-3s are also converted into prostaglandins which are known to have both pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects.


    Weight Loss: essential fatty acids contained in Chia seeds helps to boost metabolism, promote lean muscle mass; added to food they provide bulk and nutrients while adding very few calories - quite useful if your goal is weight loss and weight maintenance.


    Detoxification and Elimination: Similar to psyllium, the swelling action of Chia in the body helps cleanse and soothe the colon, absorb toxins while lubricating and strengthening peristaltic action.


    High Quality Protein: contains about 20% protein; contain strontium which helps assimilate protein and produce high energy.


    Antioxidants: contains even more antioxidants than fresh blueberries; high amounts of antioxidants keeps the oils from going rancid - contributing to a long shelf life.


    Stronger Teeth & Bones: a serving has 18%of the recommended daily intake for calcium.


    Manganese: good for your bones and helps your body use other essential nutrients like biotin and thiamin; one serving packs 30% of your recommended intake of this mineral.


    Phosphorus: 27% of the daily value for phosphorus helps maintain healthy bones, teeth and synthesize protein for cell and tissue growth and repair.


    Brain Power: EFAs are known to make nerve transmission more efficient , cell membranes more flexible and efficient in making nutrients more readily available which helps to improve brain function, memory and concentration.


    *EFAs cannot be synthesized by the human body however, it is very important for the support of the immune, cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems. EFA deficiency is quite common in North America.

    ** A study on diabetic patients conducted by Dr. Vladamir Vuksan of St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, found that blood was thinner and less prone to clotting and blood pressure of participants dropped significantly, after three months of taking Chia seeds daily.

  • Chia Seed - What can I do with it?

    Although they do have a taste, it is so subtle that the best I can describe their use is “anything goes”! I mean, really! Get creative, try out different things, add chia seeds to anything you want – salads, yogurt, cereal, baked goods, pudding, you name it.


    The main thing to remember is the seeds absorb approximately 9 times their weight in water and form a gel coating which can be used to make an egg substitute (see below). They also do not require to be ground up and are easily digested whole.


    I always use them in my homemade salad dressings and in my Shakeology, but there is no shortage of yummy recipes online and I have already made plans to try a few. Here are several ways to use chia seed along with links to several site with a nice variety of recipes.


    Sprouts: It can be sprouted and used in sandwiches and salads.


    Egg substitute: The outer layer swells when mixed with liquids to form a gel which can be used in place of eggs to lower cholesterol and increase the nutrient content of foods and baked goods. To make the egg replacement, mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water and let sit for 15 minutes.


    For recipes check out:



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